Project Showcase

Increasing Lab Workflow Efficiency with real-time tracking and a central dashboard

Case HighlightsOverview

Facing the challenge of fragmented systems and inefficient sample management, a biotech company needed to improve visibility and collaboration across their operations. We devised an innovative solution that centralizes data, provides near real-time sample tracking, and consolidates information into a single, user-friendly dashboard. This cutting-edge approach transformed their workflows, significantly accelerating communication with near-real-time reports, and resulting in substantial enhancements to patient care and overall efficiency.

Challenges &Opportunities

The biotech company faced numerous challenges due to their fragmented systems, which hindered visibility into sample management and slowed down inter-team communication. As the company planned to scale their operations in response to increased sales, they needed to expand their lab capacity while maintaining high-quality patient care. However, their existing technology solution struggled to keep up with the rapidly growing demand, as vital information remained scattered across various systems, leading to delays in report generation and decision-making. The lack of a unified platform made it difficult to monitor the status of samples, causing frustration for both clients and internal teams. In order to address those challenges and harness the potential for growth and improvement, we concentrated our efforts on the following aspects:

  • Unified dashboard consolidating data from multiple sources

  • Near real-time tracking for quick sample status access

  • Event-driven architecture for enhanced monitoring and alerts

  • Seamless integration with existing and future applications

  • Role-based access control for secure data visibility

  • Automated alerts to address sample processing issues


  • timelapse

    2 minutes

    Sample Status reports used to take 2 weeks and now take 2 minutes

  • labs

    50k+ samples tracked

    Visibility over a larger volume of samples became effortless

  • biotech

    Support for multiple LIMS

    New Lab Info Management Systems are supported simultaneously

  • dashboard

    Centralized data

    Central dashboard gives near real-time visibility over orders and samples


Scaling Capacity and Improving Efficiency with Central Dashboard and Near Real-Time Tracking

Our custom software solution was designed to address the biotech company's challenges by leveraging an event-driven architecture and seamless integration with existing systems. The cloud-native application, developed for AWS, was designed to receive and process data from multiple sources, including LIMS and CRM. The event-driven approach allowed for near-real-time monitoring and alert generation, while role-based access control ensured secure data visibility.

  • Envisioned and developed a centralized dashboard for a comprehensive view of data from multiple sources

  • Designed efficient search capabilities for quickly finding samples and orders

  • Event-driven architecture for near-real-time monitoring and alert generation

  • Cloud-native application developed for AWS using Lambda, S3, and other services

  • Role-based access control for secure data visibility among different user groups

  • Seamless integration with multiple LIMS, CRM systems

TechnologyBehind Success

Leveraging advanced technologies to deliver a dynamic, scalable, and streamlined solution for improved efficiency and optimal performance

  • AWS Lambda for processing data and running serverless functions

  • Amazon S3 for storing and retrieving data in the cloud

  • Docker containers to isolate services and facilitate deployment

  • Angular and C# together with RESTful WebAPI

  • PostgreSQL as the central database

  • Scalable deployment using Kubernetes and Terraform

  • Azure AD for SSO

  • Pub/Sub messaging for handling event dispatches and actions

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